Get personalized treatment for your mental healthcare needs.


Individual, Couples, & Family Therapy

Often times we find ourselves juggling so many things we become overwhelmed, anxious, and possibly fearful. When we “drop” something we’ve been juggling it often leads to feelings of guilt, shame, and depression. We may desperately want a break but feel like we can’t take one or aren’t worthy of it. We may think these limiting beliefs only show up in work/entrepreneurship, but chances are they show up in other areas of our lives as well, including within our partnered relationships and family interactions - along with a gang of other limiting beliefs. In session, we will work together (individually, with your partner, or with the entire family unit) toward unpacking your life experiences and understanding root causes of current emotional and mental barriers holding you back. You’ll be equipped with skills and the self-awareness you need to live a more fulfilling and balanced life.

45 - 60 minute weekly or bi-weekly session

90 minute initial assessment session

Schedule a free 30 minute consultation | Get Started

Sex & Intimacy Therapy (for couples & individuals)

Sex, sexuality, and intimacy are a huge parts of the human and relationship experience that are often overlooked or kept secret. The problem with that is, if you aren’t talking about sex & intimacy in safe spaces, you likely aren’t talking about it in the bedroom either. Communication and a general lack of knowledge aren’t the only things killing sex, intimacy, and connection within relationships; often times underlying factors like attachment style and childhood traumas, or more recent issues like infidelity, work stress, parenting stress, and financial stress, all strain your sex-life along with your overall ability to connect and create intimacy. In sex therapy, we’ll explore your contributing factors hindering you from connecting and get you on the path to a passionate and intimate love-life.

60 minute weekly or bi-weekly session

90 minute initial assessment session

Schedule a free 30 minute consultation | Get Started

Therapeutic Yoga

Trauma is subjective, as two people can experience the same event and NOT be affected in the same way. Additionally, although an experience may not be interpreted as traumatic, if it produces stress it will have the same effects on the brain and body as an experience deemed traumatic. Stress and traumatic experiences can leave some people feeling disconnected or “outside of their bodies,” while others may be very aware of bodily sensations produced by the aforementioned. In session, together we will work together toward unpacking your life experiences, understanding root causes of current emotional and mental barriers holding you back, and bring awareness to your somatic responses to stress. You’ll be equipped with skills and the self-awareness you need to live a more fulfilling, balanced, and somatically-aware life.

90 minute weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly session

90 minute initial assessment session

Schedule a free 30 minute consultation | Get Started

Life Coaching

Although life coaching at Healing Hues DOES have a therapeutic feel, life coaching is NOT therapy. Life coaching helps you clarify your goals, identify the obstacles holding you back, and then come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle. Together we will uncover your inner strengths, passions, and dreams so you can start living a life of inspiration and fulfillment.

60 minute weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly sessions for a commitment of 3 months

Schedule a free 30 minute consultation | Get Started

Clinical Supervision & Consulting

Learning goes beyond the classroom; it’s constant. Brittany is a Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners approved supervisor offering clinical supervision to Maryland Social Workers. Additionally, Brittany offers clinical & business consultation to mental health providers nationwide.

Supervision and Consulting | Get Started

Workshops & Speaking Engagements

We enjoy creating environments rich with learning opportunities, and sharing our expertise by speaking at community events, to organizations, groups/associations and mental/emotional/sexual health & wellness forums of all sizes. Our presentations are both compelling and substantive and attendees leave inspired with actionable recommendations to implement in the appropriate areas of their lives.

We’ve developed presentations across a wide variety of topics, or we can create a custom presentation or in-depth case study based on your specific needs. Here’s a list of some of our current topics:

  • Stress Management in the Work Space

  • Understanding Toxic Stress

  • Setting Boundaries for Healthy Relationships

  • What You Don’t Know is Killing Your Sex-Life

Collaboration | Get Started


“I underestimated how hard it would be adjusting to working from home, but with Brittany’s help, I was able to regain focus.”

— O. J., Former Client

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.